How do you stay motivated to keep up with your workouts and food plan? What is your why? I love that question.
This is a great motivator for me. Just think about that why do you do the things you do, your goals, your body health, your mind health?
My why is I want to be here longer with a great quality of life. I want to be preventative about my health, and aging. I want to be able to jump and play with my grand-kids and husband. I want to travel and go on adventures, meet new people.
My why is I want to be here longer with a great quality of life. I want to be preventative about my health, and aging. I want to be able to jump and play with my grand-kids and husband. I want to travel and go on adventures, meet new people.
I want to be free of aches and pains, be of strong body and mind, feel and look the best I can for me at this time in my life.I want to be healthy enough to share my findings and coach, others on how to stay ageless
I have found that the best health, nutrition and training program is through my husband's Hystrength program. It is the most well rounded in every way especially now because we have developed a nutrition piece to it. He and I have spent a number of years perfecting this piece and now we are ready to release it to our clients. The Hystrength nutrition program. It is of course a whole new way of thinking an eating plan like the Hystrength training program but it works! I was just so pleasantly tickled when I heard that phrase.
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