The Desire for Health and Beauty is not Frivolous...Own it!

This past year, I went to a school show that my young 14 year old daughter was in. She goes to a high school that emphasizes music, dance, acting, writing, media, and drawing.

She and 3 other of her female class mates did a reading where they wrote about women's beauty and fashion in the present time, and their interpretation of the societal view of  it. The impression they gave was that women in the U.S. are taken advantage of by the beauty and fashion industry. They further stated that because of the focus on beauty by the fashion industry, women can never have a good man or a satisfying relationship without being beautiful, or pursue more challenging careers or reach their highest potential. In short, the beauty and fashion industry oppress women. I was a bit taken a back by the content of their writings.
 It is hard for me to believe that these darling young girls would be spouting such negativity of how some women are treated and looked at upon in the U.S. just because they desire beautiful clothes, wear makeup, work out, or get plastic surgery. In my opinion, it is not wrong to take care of your self for your health, and having the desire of putting your best self forward. I would argue that the women who are creating bad habits such as smoking, unhealthy eating, not caring about how they present themselves to the public, or themselves, and settling for a unfulfilled relationship are oppressed. There is no outside force oppressing them. They do it to themselves. Women have the ability to start their own businesses, become executives, or become engineers if they want to. That is the key. If they want to. Whether they pursue fashion or not does not matter. It is a choice, one way or the other. The fashion and beauty industry has no power over this.
Of course, a woman should appreciate all her parts whether she thinks they are beautiful or not. Just be her best and do her best with what she is given...and cherish it. One must honor her body, her health, her appearance and her age. She should dress it up with the best that she has. If she enjoys fashion and makeup, she should use it! She should take care of her skin the best way she can and afford. As for fashion, there is no excuse to dress poorly, for it is an expression of ones's art. Women are not oppressed just because they have a goal to be and look their best. We can have what ever we desire as long as we ask for it (in essence, give permission to our self), and then to commit to it and apply the work. We do own businesses. We are executives. We are responsible for our own bodies and health, we are responsible for our families... and we can express ourselves in all kinds of artistic ways. Pursuing personal beauty is one of them.
When she gets home next week I am going to chat with her about why she feels this way. Hopefully it
is just the influence of others in her life. She is so beautiful and healthy now, and I am quite found of her. I feel I need to share with her my point of view. It seems to be different than what she hears from others. She needs to hear what I have to say.
Thank you all,

photo by Samantha Randall Photography
