I Have the Most Amazing Job...Never Thought I Would End Up Here!

I have the most amazing job. I never thought I would end up here...as a personal trainer! Out of all the careers I ever had, and believe me, I had a few. This is it!  I love what I do. For me, teaching people how to take care of their health through nutrition and an amazing exercise program my brilliant husband designed is effortless (a quick plug...it is called the HYSTRENGTH training program). I can blog, teach, train, study, go to networking events, and create networking events about something I love for a living. I work from home above my gym. When I am not training, I just go up stairs, work on my marketing, light candles, have great cups of tea in pretty cups, and have flowers with beautiful fragrances...sooo cool!  I get to workout with one of the best personal trainers in America, who just happens to be my husband. He was voted one of the top 100 personal trainers in America by Men's Journal magazine 2004, and I am his side kick! We make workout films to upload to our you tube account together. I enjoy this very much for I get to use my creativity experimenting with lighting, camera angles, and accentuating the muscles. I also get to use my love of fashion for picking out what would be a hot work out out-fit. They are fun to post, and of course doing those videos make me work harder on my own workouts and nailing my form. I do most of the marketing because I love sharing our articles, blogs, and pictures with anyone willing to check out our information. I am also very passionate about our program and want to educate as many people as I can. I am excited that at 52 I am really good at what I do and look it! Life is good!
