Redisigning Your Life...I Redesigned My Life Around a Healthy Body

  Someone that I have known for a few years said to me " Its easy for you, you have always been thin and petite". I get this comment often from family, friends or associates who have known me for quite some time. They make this comment because they believe that it is hard or even impossible for them to have a healthy body, even if they do my training program...that nothing will work..that no training program will work. They believe that no matter what, they can never have the body they want. That it is "genetics". 

   The implication is that it is easy, perhaps natural for me to have a fit, healthy body body. Furthermore, that I do not have to work very hard, if at all to have this body. Well, they are wrong. It is just as hard for me as any women who is over the age of  30 who had children (I will write a future blog on why that is). Admittedly, I am blessed in that I haven’t had to fight any serious illnesses, or have I torn any major ligaments, broken any bones, or stressed any joints or injured my back when I was younger (not so much for my husband. He has two degenerative disks on his lower back from an acute injury when he was younger. Follow his blog on how he overcomes it to stay healthy).

  What I did do was decide I was going to design my life around a healthy body when I was 35 and searched out the best way to do it. It took me a few years to find the right way to train and eat. I embarked on a conventional weight training program with lots of aerobic training, biking, and sporadic eating patterns whereby I would starve myself with low nutrient foods. I also took a lot of supplements. Nothing really worked. I was beginning to think I would have to surrender to age and gravity. I would always be "skinny fat", and that I would never have a small waist with tone and definition. My search finally did bear fruit. I found the HYSTRENGTH(sm) training program I now employ. The changes came slowly, but they came nonetheless. When I look at photos of me 10 years ago to how I look now, I now look much younger. I have a body of a 25 year old. My skin tone is much improved. I am "young" again. Better than young again, for now I have the wisdom of time to boot.

  For proof, I recently found a photo of me when I was 43 years old. At first glance it appears that I look thin, but only in my arms and legs. I did not have any tone or definition, and when you look closely, you can see that I had the dreaded barrel stomach and sagging, discolored skin...UGGH! (I will scan it and upload it for all to see. Stay tuned).

  Wow now after looking at that picture it really registers! I didn’t even look like the same woman I am now. I need to truly brag, for it really a remarkable transformation! My husband Gregg’s HYSTRENGTH(sm) training program was and is the answer to my search. I have been training on his program for 6 years now, along with changes to my diet. I eat more nutrient dense foods more often during the day. The only supplement I take is fish oil because I think it helps my skin.

  It has not been an as of a easy journey as it may appear because of my ”genes”.  I work out 3 times a week, rarely miss a work out, eat healthy, and watch my calorie in take...always! I rarely drink alcohol or have sweets unless on vacation or on special holiday. It is a lifestyle choice, a commitment for me. It is not a on again off again health program. To sum it all up, I have the body because I committed to getting it, not because I had it naturally.

PS  photo is me at 52 years my present age after 6 years of HYSTRENTH training
